The Brief

Richard Jacob was referred on to us by another colleague. He was in search of someone who could build him an e-commerce website to house his new brand As a seasoned professional in the hospitality industry Richard was aware that he needed a website that could provide good user experience while being “stylish” at the same time.

He also wanted to be abel to add his own products in the future and manage the inventory on his own. For this specific project we agreed on Shopify as the platform we would use.

StyleBarn is a brand focused on sustainability and this needed to shine through on the website. He also wanted space for his blogs and community events in order to help him build more of a story and community behind the brand.

Kaizen Media was tasked with bringing Richards vision to life.

The Process

After an initial meeting where Richard laid out his vision for the project and we agreed that Shopify was the best option in regards to platform, we went away to brainstorm. We looked at competitors and also focused in on the potential customer as a source for inspiration.

The target market for this particular brand are environmentally conscious and are keen to purchase sustainable goods and services wherever possible. It was important to showcase this in the product descriptions as it is an important selling point for the customer.

We also wanted to show a link with nature and the environment through the imagery used. The tagline “Reimagine, reinvent, reuse, repeat.” was important to Richard and encapsulated the goal of the brand. Taking this into account we made sure to include it in the homepage.

With all this in mind we designed a PDF mockup which Richard gave his feedback on. Once approved we went ahead and created the site within Shopify, customising an existing theme as required.

The Result

The resulting website captures the essence of the StyleBarn brand. It’s spacious, minimalist design helps to convey the sense of “less is more”. With a simple clean design, the all important tagline and subtle hints of red (harping back to a previous brand Richard had built) the site addresses everything discussed at the start of the project and has gotten great feedback right from launch.

We think that the lovely review left for us speaks to the project and the end result.


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